in ancient Persia astrology royal star names are:
Royal stars were considered the guardians of the sky in ancient times in the region that is now called Iran around 3000 BC.
Ancient Iranians believed that the sky is divided into four regions, and each region is represented by one of these four royal stars
and are protected by royal stars, as these four stars are applied on this design. Royal stars used to be considered by ancient Iranians in astronomical calculations,
and was adjusting in calendar and Iranian were predicting the future by considering these stars. Iranian recorded all the important events of their life by considering the positions of royal stars.
Although the ancient Egyptians in 5000 BC mentioned the royal stars and its influence on their lives, but in ancient Iran, Zoroaster
Around 1500 BC, they were mentioned in “Bandehshan” a collection of “Mazdisna” about cosmology
. The key to occultism has its roots in long past years, and in a broader sense, it is a category of supernatural beliefs and influences that are generally
are out of the circle of religion and science that include phenomena such as mysticism, spirituality, magic and magic. Also in a supernatural way
It refers to extrasensory perception and parapsychology. The key to entering the occult sciences consists of seven steps, which were created by Helena Blavatsky.
The founder of the Theosophical Society was published and indicated a significant impact in creating an insoluble hole in the systematic system.
Kamavada Collection is the first designer and producer of cosmic and ancient oriental motifs in Iran
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